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Ph.D Tutor- Shan Cheng

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程杉博士/PhD Shan Cheng




Professor/PhD Supervisor/ the Three Gorges Scholar, CTGU

PIC, National First-Class Undergraduate Course of Circuit Theory

PIC, Major of Smart Grid & Its Information Engineering

学习工作经历/Education Background and Employment Experience

2013.7-       三峡大学电气与新能源学院,讲师、副教授、教授


2008.9-2013.6 重庆大学电气工程学院,电气工程专业,硕博连读

2010.8-2011.8 台湾元智大学,电机控制及系统工程实验室,交换生)

2005.7-2008.8  黄冈示范学院物理科学与电子技术系,助教

2001.9-2005.6 河南理工大学电气工程与自动化学院,本科生

July 2013-Present, Lecturer (2013), Associate Professor (2015), Professor (2020), College of Electrical Engineering & New Energy, China Three Gorges University

(July 2013-Feb. 2015, Secretary, Bureau of Personnel, NSFC)

Setp. 2008-June 2013, PhD, College of Electrical Engineering, Chongqing University, China

(Aug. 2010-Aug. 2011, Visiting Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering, YuanZe University, Taiwan)

July 2005-Aug. 2008, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Science and Electronic Technology, Huanggang Normal University, China  

Sept. 2001-June 2005, B.E., School of Electrical Engineering & Automation, Henan Polytechnic University, China


-主要研究方向/Research Interests

电力系统运行优化与控制/Power System Optimization & Control

智能电网能量管理/ Energy Management and Operation Optimization of Smart Grid

智能计算及其应用/Intelligent Optimization & Its Application to Power System

-代表性科研项目/Selected Academic Funds


Oct. 2020-Sept. 2022, Multi-time Scale Based Coordinated Control and Optimization of Energy Hub with Multiple Energy Flows and Multiple Types of Energy Storages, Funded by Yichang Key Laboratory of Intelligent Operation and Security Defense of Power System

2018.1-2019.12 多能源综合系统规划及其优化调度,输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室

Jan. 2018-Dec. 2019, Optimal Planning and Operation of the Integrated Energy System, Funded by State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology

2017.1-2019.12 电动汽车一体化电站微电网群分层协调调度策略和优化方法研究,国家自然科学基金委

Jan. 2017-Dec. 2019, Hierarchical Coordinated Dispatch of Multiple Charging-Swapping-Storage Integration Station Microgrids, Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China

2016.1-2017.12 含光伏发电系统的电动汽车充电站多目标运行优化方法研究,湖北省教育厅

Jan. 2016-Dec.12, Multi-objective Optimal Operation of Electric Vehicle Charging Station with Solar Generation, Funded by the Department of Education, Hubei Province

2016.1-2017.12 微电网环境下电动汽车基础设施与可再生能源集成及经济运行,新能源微电网湖北省协同创新中心

Jan. 2016-Dec.12, Optimal Configuration and Economic Operation of the Integration of Electric Vehicle Infrastructure and Renewable Energy Generation, Funded by Hubei Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center for New Energy Microgrid

-10代表性期刊论文/10-Selected Journal Papers

[1] S. Cheng, Z. Wei, Z. Zhao, et al. Decentralized optimization for charging-storage station considering spatial-temporal transfer randomness of electric vehicles [J/OL]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020123日在线。

[2] 何黎君,程杉,陈梓铭.考虑交互功率控制和双边竞价交易的多微电网双层优化调度[J]. 电力系统保护与控制, 2020, 48(11): 10-17.CSCDB级)

HE Lijun, CHENG Shan, CHEN Ziming. A Scheduling Model of A Multi-microgrid system based on bi-layer optimization with Consideration of PCC power control and bilateral bidding [J]. Power System Protection and Control, 2020, 48(11): 10-17.

[3] S. Cheng, Z. Wei, D. Shang, Z. Zhao and H. Chen. Charging Load Prediction and Distribution Network Reliability Evaluation Considering Electric Vehicles’ Spatial-Temporal Transfer Randomness [J]. IEEE Access, 8: 124084-124096.

[4] 程杉,倪凯旋,赵孟雨. 基于Stackelberg博弈的一体化电站微电网双层协调优化调度[J]. 电力自动化设备, 2020, 40(6): 49-55+69.

CHENG Shan, NI Kaixuan1, ZHAO Mengyu. Stackelberg Game Based Bi-level Coordinated Optimal Scheduling of Microgrid Accessed with Charging-swapping-storage Integrated Station [J]. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 2020, 40(6): 49-55+69.

[5] 程杉,黄天力,魏荣宗. 含冰蓄冷空调的冷热电联供型微网多时间尺度优化调度[J] 电力系统自动化, 2019, 43(5): 30-38.

CHENG Shan, HUANG Tianli, WAI Rongjong. Multi-time-scale Optimal Scheduling of CCHP Microgrid with Ice-storage Air-conditioning [J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2019, 43(5): 30-38.

[6] 伍雨柔,程杉,魏荣宗. 基于双向拍卖的多微电网协调优化调度[J]. 电力系统及其自动化学报, 2019, 31(3): 96-101.

[7] Shan Cheng, Gao Can Su, Long Long Zhao, Tian Li Huang. Dynamic Dispatch Optimization of Microgrid Based on a QS-PSO Algorithm. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2017, 9(4): 045505.

[8] S. Cheng, L. L. Zhao, X. Y. Jiang. An Effective Application of Bacteria Quorum Sensing and Circular Elimination in MOPSO. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2017, 14(1): 56-63.

[9] Shan Cheng, MinYou Chen, Peter J. Fleming. Improved Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization with Preference Strategy for Optimal DG Integration into the Distribution System. Neurocompting, 2015, 148(4-5): 23-29. (SCI: 000343840000004)

[10] Shan Cheng, Min-You Chen. Multi-objective Reactive Power Optimization Strategy for Distribution System with Penetration of Distributed Generation. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2014, 62:221-228.

-社会兼职/ Professional Activity

2020.12-  IEEE PES智能电网与人工智能分委会(中国)理事

Dec. 2020, Member, Committee of Smart Grid and Artificial Intelligence, IEEE PES

2019.4-  电力系统保护与控制青年学术委员会委员

Apr. 2019, Member, Youth Academic Committee, Power System Protection and Control

2019     智能电网与绿色建筑国际学术会议技术委员会主席

2019, Chair of TPC, the 4th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid

2019-    “智能电力装备控制系统设计与应用技能大赛”裁判

2019-   , Referee, Skills Competition of Design and Application of Smart Electrical Equipment Control System

研究生培养/Graduate Advising (Awards of the Students)

-培养理念和毕业生概况/Cultivation Philosophy & Graduates Information


-优秀硕士学位论文/ Excellent M. S. Thesis of CTGU

2020.10 倪凯旋《基于博弈论的一体化电站微电网协调优化调度研究》

Oct. 2020 NI KaixuanCoordinated Optimal Dispatching of a Integrated Station Microgrid Based on Game Theory

2020.10 赵孟雨《考虑动态电价和电池损耗的电动汽车充电站优化调度方法研究》

Oct. 2020 ZHAO MengyuOptimal Dispatch of Charging Station for Electric Vehicles with Consideration of Dynamic Pricing and Battery Loss

2020.10 何黎君《考虑能量互济的多微电网系统优化调度方法研究》

Oct. 2020 HE LijunOptimal Dispatch of Multi-microgrid System Considering Energy Interaction

2019.6  黄天力《综合能源联供型微网能量优化管理研究》

June 2019, HUANG TianliEnergy Optimization and Management of Integrated Energy Microgri

2019.6  冯毅煁《考虑电动汽车充电负荷的区间调度问题研究》

June 2019, FENG YichenResearch on the Interval Scheduling Problem Considering Electric Vehicle Charging Load

2018.6  孙伟斌《电动汽车充电站规划研究》

June 2018 SUN WeibinResearch on Electric Vehicle Charging Station Planning

2018.6  王贤宁《电动汽车充电站的分散式优化调度研究及仿真平台设计》

June 2018 WANG XianningResearch on Decentralized Optimization Scheduling of Electric Vehicle Charging Station and the Design of Simulation Platform

2017.6 杜鹏飞《特高压直流输电线路下方合成电场计算及其工程应用研究》

June 2017, DU PengfeiCalculation of the Total Electric Field under the UHVDC transmission lines and engineering application

2017.6 赵龙龙《微电网动态优化模型与方法研究》

June 2017, ZHAO LonglongResearch on Dynamic Operation Optimization Model of Microgrid and Its Solution

教育教学及荣誉/Teaching and Its Awards)

-教学特点/Teaching Characteristics


-荣誉和奖励/Honors and Awards

2020.11 教育部国家级一流本科课程(电路原理)负责人

Nov. 2020, PIC, National First-Class Undergraduate Course of Circuit Theory

2020/2018/2017/2016.9  三峡大学“优秀教师”

Sept. 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2020, Distinguished Teacher, CTGU

2020.6  三峡大学教学成果奖一等奖

2020.6  三峡大学线上教学竞赛一等奖

2019.12 湖北楚课联盟线上线下混合式教学优秀改革案例

2019.9  中国智能制造挑战赛全国总决赛二等奖指导教师

2019.7  湖北省优秀基层教学组织-“智网”新工科专业教研组

July 2019, PIC, Major of Smart Grid & Its Information Engineering

2019.6  教育部在线教育研究中心“智慧教学之星”

2019.5  三峡大学“教学名师”

2017.4  湖北省青年教学能手

Apr. 2017, Hubei Provincial “Yong Teaching Experts 

2015.11  三峡大学首届“外国留学生心目中的好老师”

Nov. 2015“The Best Teacher in International Students’ Mind”, CTGU

2014.9  三峡大学第四届“十佳班主任”



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Tel.: +86-717-6392508


